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2023年湖南成人高考高起本英语精选试题及答案(图1)  2023年湖南成人高考预报名火热进行中!2023年湖南成人高考高起本英语精选试题及答案(图2)

1、It is known that of the land in the northwest of China is poor.

  A. many B. more

  C. lot D. much

  答案:D land为不可数名词

  2、A group of are eating and at the foot of the hill.

  A. sheep; grass; leaves

  B. sheeps; grasses; leaves

  C. sheep; grass; leaf

  D. sheeps; grass; eaves

  答案:A sheep和grass单复同形,leaf的复数是leaves

  3、In Britain are all painted red.

  A. letter boxes

  B. letters boxes

  C. letter box

  D. letters box

  答案:A 名词作定语修饰名词的用法,boxes是名词复数表示一类事物。

  4、 the students in our school over two thousand.

  A. The number of; is

  B. The number of; are

  C. A number of; is

  D. A large number of; are

  答案:A a number of大量的+名词复数,谓语动词用复数;the number of……的数量+名词复数,谓语动词用第三人称单数,表一个整体。题干中已给出学生的具体数量。

  5、There are only two assistants in that shop

  A. woman; shoe

  B. women; shoe

  C. woman; shoes

  D. women; shoes

  答案:B man、woman的复合名词,若man、woman做前置定语,后修饰的名词为人时,则常把定语和被修饰的名词都变成复数。鞋店:shoe shop固定的搭配,如:gift shop pet shop

  6、The rest of the crew of the ship going to come back home.

  A. has not been

  B. have not been

  C. is not

  D. are not

  答案:D crew意为“乘务人员”是集体名词,通常表示复数,完成进行时的构成have/has been+v-ing,表示现在以前一直在进行的动作,通常与表示一段时间的状语连用,用延续性动词,如:work study see live know等。

  7、It’s from my home to school.

  A. two hour’s drive

  B. two hour drive

  C. two-hours drive

  D. two hours’ drive

  答案:D 表示的名词的所有格用法。two-hour drive也是正确的。

  8、If the shoes are too big, buy a smaller .

  A. set B. one

  C. copy D. pair

  答案:D shoes是复数,表一双。

  9、There a lot of rubbish on the floor so I asked Mary to sweep up.

  A. were; it

  B. are; them

  C. was; it

  D. is; them

  答案:C 考查不可数名词。there be句型中be动词的单复数取决于其后的主语,rubbish是不可数名词,因此后面谓语动词要用单数。

  10、When you have read the novel, you’ll have better understanding of life.

  A. a; the

  B. a; /

  C. /; /

  D. the; the

  答案:B “你将会对生命有个更好地理解”,“understanding”在句中是泛指,并非特指;而life是抽象名词,其前不用冠词。

11、Sunset at Mount HuangShan is a beautiful scene, I’ll never forget

  A. one

  B. it

  C. what

  D. that

  答案:A one指代上句中的“a beautiful scene”。 it特指上文提到过的具体的某物。one指上文提到过的同类事物,是泛指的。这里“scene”是泛指的一类景色、景物,故用one。

  12、John needs a new coat. She is going to buy

  A. one

  B. it

  C. a one

  D. that

  答案:A one指上文提到过的同类事物,是泛指的;it特指上文提到过的具体的某物。

  13、We needed a new cupboard for the kitchen. So Peter made from some wood we had.

  A. it

  B. one

  C. himself

  D. another

  答案:B one指上文提到过的同类事物,是泛指的,指同名异物。it特指同名同物。

  14、You can not finish the work all .

  A. by yourself

  B. for yourself

  C. to yourself

  D. of yourself

  答案:A 反身代词的固定用法。by oneself是“独立”, for oneself是“靠自己,亲自”, to oneself是“独享专有”, of oneself是“自动,自然而然的”,in oneself是“本身,本质上”,beside oneself 是“发狂,精神失常”,between oneselves“私下说,保密”。

  15、Although we may not realize , when we talk with others, we make ourselves understood not just by words.

  A. this

  B. that

  C. it

  D. these

  答案:C it可代替上文或下文提到的全句(含句子的全部内容或部分内容),that只能指代上文提到的句子。it在这里代替主句的内容。

  16、There are five language labs in this building. One is on the second floor and on the third floor.

  A. other

  B. the other

  C. other four

  D. the others

  答案:D 代词other的用法。

  17、Over a hundred people expressed their worries, but were willing to help.

  A. some

  B. many

  C. few

  D. little

  答案:C 因为but为转折连词,因此后半句是否定的意思。 根据题意可排除A、B,Few修饰可数名词,表示几乎没有。little修饰不可数名词,people为可数名词,谓动为复数,故选C。

  18、—Have you got a camera? —No, I should buy .

  A. it

  B. one

  C. that

  D. this

  答案:B 此题考察it 和one的区别。It是特指某物,同名同物;而one泛指,同名异物。

  19、Tom bought a new house but will need a lot of work before they can move in.

  A. they

  B. it

  C. one

  D. which

  答案:B it指代上文提到过的原事原物,特指。

  20、______ road out of town is good, but this one is better than the other.

  A. Both

  B. All

  C. None

  D. Neither

  答案:D 从谓语动词判断,谓动是单数只能选D。





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